Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP)

Vol 10, No 1 (2024)



We are happy to announce that Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP) has been accredited as a Sinta 2 journal by National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) starting from Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020). We are also currently preparing to be indexed internationally. With the spirit of delivering better publication quality, a few changes have been implemented in the publication process.

Our editorial team is committed to improving publishing quality and therefore will be more selective in regards to manuscripts that are submitted to the system. We are committed to promote the highest quality empirical studies that can provide crucial contributions to the development of psychological science in Indonesia and the global world.

Posted: 2022-01-19
Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP) invites submissions of high-quality papers.
Posted: 2019-08-02
More Announcements...

Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Faculty of Psychology in collaboration with Ikatan Psikologi Klinis (IPK), Asosiasi Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi (APIO), Asosiasi Psikologi Islam (API). This journal publishes non-intervention research reports for the development of psychology as a science in a variety of contexts. GamaJoP is published twice annually (May and October) where the submitted articles can be in Bahasa Indonesia or English. Manuscripts must be original and never been published elsewhere.

Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP) has been accredited by National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) Managed by Ministry of Research, and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency of Republic Indonesia with Second Grade (Sinta 2) for year 2020 to 2025 according to the decree No. 164/E/KPT/2021.

e-ISSN 2407-7798 

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