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A.A.H.P.S.S.S. news and information [0158-9040]
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Available from 1994  截止日期(包含) 1995
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A.A.O. newsletter [0728-5833]
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Available from 1991 期: 59
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物理學/Physics: 天文學/Astronomy
À bâbord [1710-209X]
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Available from 2003
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社會科學/Social Sciences: 開發/Developmental Issues & Socioeconomic Studies
A+BE: Architecture and the Built Environment [2212-3202]
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A&H [2448-5764]
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Available from 2007 期: 114
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Á morgun [1670-424X]
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Available in 1918
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A&P Continuidad [2362-6089]
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Available from 2014
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A parte rei [1137-8204]
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A/R [2593-5194]
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Available from 2018 卷: 1
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A.S.C. news
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Available from 2006 卷: 211
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A Scena Muda
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Available from 1921 期: 1
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藝術與人文/Arts and Humanities: 流行及娛樂/Fashion & Entertainment
A-Z: Luxemburger illustrierte Wochenschrift
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Available from 1933  截止日期(包含) 1940
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A16 Transjurane
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Available from 1997 卷: 1
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A3manos [2412-5105]
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AA. Accountant-adviseur [0165-2729]
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Available from 2005  截止日期(包含) 2010
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AAA: Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik [0171-5410]
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Available from 1976  截止日期(包含) 1995
Note: 資料來源:全國學術版人文及社會科技資料庫檢索系統(HUSO)
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藝術與人文/Arts and Humanities: 語言及語言學/Language & Linguistics
AACAR bulletin of the Association for the Advancement of Central Asian Research [0898-6827]
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Available from 1996
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社會科學/Social Sciences: 地區及國際研究/Regional and International Studies
藝術與人文/Arts and Humanities: 一般及其他/General and Others
藝術與人文/Arts and Humanities: 歷史/History
藝術與人文/Arts and Humanities: 社會與文化/Society and Culture
AACE Clinical Case Reports [2376-0605]
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Available from 2015
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Available from 2019 卷: 5
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AACE journal [1551-3696]
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Available from 1999 卷: 1 期: 11  截止日期(包含) 2009 卷: 17 期: 4
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藝術與人文/Arts and Humanities: 教育及職業/Education & Careers
資訊科技/Information Technology: 一般及其他/General and Others
Related to: Educational technology review [1081-8677]
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